Volunteer Opportunities at Gazdira Vár

Volunteer at Gazdira Vár

Helping abandoned animals finding homes

Social Media Content Creator

We are looking for volunteer Content Creators to write, design, and publish various types of pieces for our organization’s social media channels. Your responsibilities will include producing marketing copy to promote various animal shelters so that we can help them find homes for animals and promoting our services to animal rescue organizations. You will also monitor activity and engagement (e.g. comments and shares) of our social media posts to see which ones are working, are more or less successful in terms of reach and adjust our promotions accordingly. Currently we have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube account. However, we might also look at other options as well.


Join our team to manage website content and collaborate with animal shelters. Work remotely with flexible part-time hours and make a difference!

up to 5 hrs per week (unless you have more availability)

Part-time, Volunteer (without remuneration)


Market Research

Contribute to our mission by analyzing potential opportunities for growth and impact. Remote and flexible volunteer position available.

up to 5 hrs per week (unless you have more availability)

Part-time, Volunteer (without remuneration)


Grant Researcher & Writer

Help secure funding for our cause by researching grants and writing applications. Join us as a remote volunteer for up to 5 hours a week.

up to 5 hrs per week (unless you have more availability)

Part-time, Volunteer (without remuneration)


Videography & Video Editing

Use your video creation and editing skills to promote animal shelters and pets needing homes. Be part of our remote volunteer team.

up to 5 hrs per week (unless you have more availability)

Part-time, Volunteer (without remuneration)



We need volunteers fluent in multiple languages to help translate our content. Remote and flexible hours.

up to 5 hrs per week (unless you have more availability)

Part-time, Volunteer (without remuneration)


  • From English to French
  • From English to German
  • From French to English
  • From French to German
  • From French to Hungarian
  • From Hungarian to English
  • From Hungarian to French
  • From Hungarian to German
  • From German to Hungarian
  • From German to English
  • From German to French
  • From English to Spanish
  • From French to Spanish
  • From Spanish to English
  • From Spanish to French
  • From Spanish to Hungarian
  • From Spanish to German
  • From Hungarian to Spanish
  • From German to Spanish
Apply Now